Friday, June 01, 2012

Aktiviti Cais

Berdasarkan Kajian penyelidikan yang dibuat oleh Lada, S., Tanakinjai. G.H., dan Amin, H., (2009) dalam kajian “meramalkan niat untuk memilih produk halal menggunakan Teori Tindakan Bersebab (TTB)” Halal bukan lagi semata – mata untuk isu agama lagi tetapi ia merupakan bidang perniagaan dan perdagangan. Selain itu, ia juga telah menjadi symbol global bagi menjamin kualiti dan pilihan gaya hidup. Melalui kajian ini ia dapat membantu para peniaga meningkatkan pasaran perniagaan mereka. Berdasarkan kajian penyelidikan itu juga, pengkaji telah menyatakan anggaran pasaran halal bernilai US$ 580 Billion setahun dan industri pemakanan halal meningkat secara keseluruhannya sebanyak 7 % setiap tahun. Oleh itu, syarikat disarankan sepatutnya megambil kesempatan ini  untuk megeluarkan produk halal, megikut keperluan pengguna. Dalam kajian ini juga, pengkaji telah menyatakan bahawa setiap pengguna mempunyai pengetahuan dan kepercayaan terhadap produk halal, dimana sikap dan norma subjektif memainkan peranan yang penting dalam membentuk niat pembelian.

Sumber: Lada, S., Tanakinjal, H. and Amin, H. (2009), "Predicting intention to purchase halal products using theory of reasoned action", International Journal of lslamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 2(1), 66-76. Diambil daripda: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pertandingan Poster Projek Tahun Akhir

Berdasarkan kepada pertandingan poster projek tahun akhir yang dijalankan pada hari Rabu lepas iaitu 23 Mei, saya sempat melihat pelbagai tajuk yang menarik yang dijalankan oleh senior saya (pelajar tahun 3) , daripada semua tajuk tersebut saya tertarik kepada tajuk yang berkaitan produk Halal juga iaitu Tanggapan Pengguna Bukan Muslim terhadap Halal. Saya sempat bertanyakan soalan iaitu mengapa beliau memilih  pengguna bukan Muslim?  Jawapan beliau adalah sebelum ini beliau belum pernah lagi mengetahui apa itu prinsip Halal. Memandangkan beliau  bukan Muslim, jadi  sebelum ini beliau hanya tahu halal hanya bersangkut paut pada Muslim sahaja. Disebabkan itu beliau tampil dengan kajian ini agar dapat mengetahui konteks Halal melalui persepsi bukan muslim. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah mengkaji sejauh manakah pengetahuan dan kefahaman prinsip halal kepada pengguna bukan islam.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

My new proposed topic


emakin mendalami penyelidikan ini,semakin saya sukar untuk menentukan mana satu tajuk yang sesuai untuk diambil dalam menjalankan penyelidikan yang mempunyai tempoh masa yang singkat...tetapi akhirnya..melalui pembacaan yang luas dan bantuan rakan-rakan, Alhamdulillah..saya mengambil keputusan untuk mengkaji tajuk berkaitan kerelevenan pemakanan halal kepada pengguna muslim. kenapa saya tertarik dengan kajian ini? jawapannya..jom kita sama-sama membaca skop kajian saya dengan lebih terperinci..Tetapi sebelum itu, saya minta maaf kerana terpaksa menggunakan bahasa melayu agar kita semua dapat memahami kajian ini dengan lebih baik dan berkesan..selamat membaca :)


Perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat pada masa kini membuatkan kita sering  tertanya-tanya sama ada masyarakat kita ini masih menitikberatkan soal halal atau haram dalam pengambilan makanan atau barangan. Hal ini kerana, Islam tidak hanya menitikberatkan tentang keseimbang zat dalam makanan tersebut tetapi juga turut mengambil kira aspek pemilihan bahan – bahan yang digunakan dalam pemprosesan makanan tersebut sama ada mengikut syarak atau piawaian halal. Firman Allah S.W.T bermaksud:
“Hai sekalian manusia, makanlah yang halal lagi baik dan apa yang terdapat dibumi, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti langkah – langkah syaitan: kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu adalah musuh yang nyata bagi kamu”
                                                                                    (Terjemahan Surah Al – Baqarah 168)
Firman Allah S.W.T itu jelas menunjukan bahawa kita sebagai Muslim harus menitikberatkan makanan yang halal lagi baik agar dapat memperolehi kekuatan, kesihatan agar dapat menjalani hidup dengan dan aman. Oleh itu, saya amat tertarik untuk mengkaji dengan lebih mendalam, apakah masyarakat kini yang mengalami anjakan paradigma masih menitikberatkan soal halal atau haram dalam pemilihan makanan mereka?

Tajuk Kajian: Kerelevenan Pemakanan Halal Kepada Pengguna Muslim Masa Kini ( Kajian Kes : Restoran di Desa Ilmu Kota Samarahan Sarawak)

Objektif Kajian:
1.    Mengkaji tahap kepuasan pengguna terhadap makanan halal keluaran restoran di Desa Ilmu, Kota        Samarahan, Sarawak.
2.    Mengkaji tahap kualiti makanan keluaran restoran di Desa Ilmu, Kota Samarahan Sarawak.
3.  Mengkaji sejauh manakah pengguna menitikberatkan pemakanan halal pada kehidupan seharian mereka.

Jenis Kajian: “Correlation Study” Adakah pengguna masa kini menitikberatkan status halal pada makanan mereka, dan kepentingan logo halal dalam pemasaran produk.

Permasalahan Kajian:

1.      Sejauh manakah tahap kepuasan pengguna terhadap makanan halal keluaran restoran di Desa Ilmu, Kota Samarahan Sarawak?
2.      Sejauh manakah tahap kualiti halal pada makanan keluaran restoran di Desa Ilmu, Kota Samarahan Sarawak?
3.      Adakah pengguna masih menitikberatkan pemakanan halal pada kehidupan seharian mereka?

Lokasi: Desa Ilmu Kota Samarahan, Sarawak

Analisis Unit: Individu, Pelajar dan isi rumah Muslim disekitar Desa Ilmu.

Pemboleh Ubah:
“Dependent Variables” Persepsi Pengguna dan Kesannya
“Independent Variables” Barang Produk Halal

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Does Ethnography make sense in Marketing??

he term ethnography has come to be equated with virtually any qualitative research project (e.g., see Research Gateway) where the intent is to provide a detailed, in-depth description of everyday life and practice. This is sometimes referred to as "thick description" -- a term attributed to the anthropologist Clifford Geertz writing on the idea of an interpretive theory of culture in the early 1970s (e.g., see The Interpretation of Cultures, first published as a collection in 1973).  The use of the term "qualitative" is meant to distinguish this kind of social science research from more "quantitative" or statistically oriented research. The two approaches, i.e., quantitative and qualitative, while often complimentary, ultimately have different aims.

Ethnography comes from social research and anthropology. Ethnographic marketing research studies apply this core behaviour methodology tools to marketing research environment. Ethnography is a popular technique for study of buyer behaviour surrounding product use and full product category consumer – computer interaction (HCI). Some theorist say that ethnography is an excellence tool to stimulate innovation, Cochrane believes, for example the Japanese are turning to ethnography to help drive a new wave of innovation in the face of strong global competition, particularly from China. Other source also say that, ethnography research bring marketers, designers and planners as close to customer as possible in order to solve important business problems. Site visits and observational encounters with customers in their accustomed habitats are the core component of marketing ethnography   

Ethnography is most helpful for:

1)      Achieving a high-level overview of your customers’ environment and the ongoing “pain points” they experience
2)      Identifying important customer “jobs” to be done, and devising an initial product development roadmap
3)      Developing a detailed understanding of how customers perform certain tasks or use specific products, in an effort to identify gaps in product performance and areas for potential improvement and innovation
4)      Establishing a comprehensive set of customer needs (as part of a Voice of the Customer study), by ensuring that what customers do, as well as what they say, is reflected in the final affinity diagram of customer needs
5)      Validating that a new product concept or prototype meets customer needs by placing it with customers and observing their usage in a real-life setting 

The Challenge of Ethnography

    Before start to do research related to ethnography, we need to examine more deeply the culture so as not to conflict with any other culture. In addition, another challenge is that we must be careful in order to sort out the appropriate title not affect a sensitivity of a culture. Other than that, the researcher must the researcher must understand the respondent pertinence such questions should be easy to understand in order to get the right answer.

Reference :

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What is a fact vs. Theories?

According to Cambridge Dictionary (3rd Edition) fact means something which is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists or about which there is information. Pratt, J. P (1998) stated that fact in general in science, refer to the observation. They are the best when they are repeatable observation under controlled conditions.
Hence, theories according to Cambridge Dictionary (3rd Edition) is a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas which are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation. Meanwhile, Pratt, J.P (1998) wrote that theories are the explanation proposed in step two of the scientific method. Usually the word “theory” is reserved for more than first attempt, which might be called a “hypothesis”. Pratt, J.P (1998) stated that distinguish between facts and theories that facts usually remain the same and the theories often change depend on situation. Meanwhile, Pratt, J.P (1998) also used scientific method to see how facts and theories interact. In scientific method there are 3 steps which is make observation, propose a theory which is try to explain what you have observed and lastly used the theory to predict future observation.

Ref.       1 Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd Edition
             2 Pratt, J.P (1998) facts or theory.

Research Approach

In research, researcher often refers to the two broad method of reasoning as the deductive and inductive approaches. Deductive research approach is works from the more general to more specific. This research approach sometimes called “top – down” approach, and conclusion follows logically from premises (available facts). Deductive research approach allows the researcher to establish a hypothesis by using theory (Gill and Johnson 2010). On the other hand, inductive research approach is moving from specific observation to broader generalization and theories, sometimes call “bottom – up” approach, involves a degree of uncertainty and the conclusion is likely based on premises. Inductive research is a flexible approach because there is no requirement of pre – determined theory to collect data and information (Mertens 2008).
So I’ve seen my topic “Customer’s Perception towards promotion and advertising 1Malaysia’s product at Kuching” based on the deductive approach. This is because the problem is from the more general information to the more specific. We have to know what theory to use from that we can make hypothesis for that problem, after that do some observation and make confirmation.

Ref. Deductive & inductive research approach.

Proposed Topic

As we know, at present the market hot item 1Malaysia products. Government made ​​numerous advertisements for this product to expand the market for these goods. 1Malaysia is not just a product, but there are also people of Malaysia shop. The question is whether the product is able to win the hearts customers? Whether the products have good quality?

Customer Perception towards Promotion and Advertising 1Malaysia’s Product at Kuching.

Research Purpose: 
To identify factors that affect customer’s perception towards 1Malaysia’s product at Kuching.

Type of Research: 
“Correlation Study” Does promotion and advertising affect customer’s perception to buying product?

Research Question: 
1. What factor that influence customer buy 1Malaysia product? Does they satisfy with that product?
2. What factor that affect customer perception towards this product?
3. Does customer aware this product by advertising tools?

Extant Interference Research: 
Regular promotions and advertising will affect customers' perception of the product in the supermarket. Does the customers aware of products trough the promotion and advertising tools?

At supermarket Kuching / interview and survey

Unit Analysis: 
individual that used 1Malaysia’s product and household (income below RM3000)

Identified Variables: 
1. Independent variables: Customer Perception
2. Dependent variables: 1Malaysia Product, Promotion and Advertising tools.