Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What is a fact vs. Theories?

According to Cambridge Dictionary (3rd Edition) fact means something which is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists or about which there is information. Pratt, J. P (1998) stated that fact in general in science, refer to the observation. They are the best when they are repeatable observation under controlled conditions.
Hence, theories according to Cambridge Dictionary (3rd Edition) is a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas which are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation. Meanwhile, Pratt, J.P (1998) wrote that theories are the explanation proposed in step two of the scientific method. Usually the word “theory” is reserved for more than first attempt, which might be called a “hypothesis”. Pratt, J.P (1998) stated that distinguish between facts and theories that facts usually remain the same and the theories often change depend on situation. Meanwhile, Pratt, J.P (1998) also used scientific method to see how facts and theories interact. In scientific method there are 3 steps which is make observation, propose a theory which is try to explain what you have observed and lastly used the theory to predict future observation.

Ref.       1 Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd Edition
             2 Pratt, J.P (1998) facts or theory.

Research Approach

In research, researcher often refers to the two broad method of reasoning as the deductive and inductive approaches. Deductive research approach is works from the more general to more specific. This research approach sometimes called “top – down” approach, and conclusion follows logically from premises (available facts). Deductive research approach allows the researcher to establish a hypothesis by using theory (Gill and Johnson 2010). On the other hand, inductive research approach is moving from specific observation to broader generalization and theories, sometimes call “bottom – up” approach, involves a degree of uncertainty and the conclusion is likely based on premises. Inductive research is a flexible approach because there is no requirement of pre – determined theory to collect data and information (Mertens 2008).
So I’ve seen my topic “Customer’s Perception towards promotion and advertising 1Malaysia’s product at Kuching” based on the deductive approach. This is because the problem is from the more general information to the more specific. We have to know what theory to use from that we can make hypothesis for that problem, after that do some observation and make confirmation.

Ref. Deductive & inductive research approach.

Proposed Topic

As we know, at present the market hot item 1Malaysia products. Government made ​​numerous advertisements for this product to expand the market for these goods. 1Malaysia is not just a product, but there are also people of Malaysia shop. The question is whether the product is able to win the hearts customers? Whether the products have good quality?

Customer Perception towards Promotion and Advertising 1Malaysia’s Product at Kuching.

Research Purpose: 
To identify factors that affect customer’s perception towards 1Malaysia’s product at Kuching.

Type of Research: 
“Correlation Study” Does promotion and advertising affect customer’s perception to buying product?

Research Question: 
1. What factor that influence customer buy 1Malaysia product? Does they satisfy with that product?
2. What factor that affect customer perception towards this product?
3. Does customer aware this product by advertising tools?

Extant Interference Research: 
Regular promotions and advertising will affect customers' perception of the product in the supermarket. Does the customers aware of products trough the promotion and advertising tools?

At supermarket Kuching / interview and survey

Unit Analysis: 
individual that used 1Malaysia’s product and household (income below RM3000)

Identified Variables: 
1. Independent variables: Customer Perception
2. Dependent variables: 1Malaysia Product, Promotion and Advertising tools.